Senin, 30 Juli 2012

cara membuat space iklan

Cara Membuat Space Iklan Dengan Ukuran Otomatis - Space Iklan merupakan salah satu tempat untuk menempelkan sebuah iklan advertiser pada halaman blog, dimana space iklan tersebut bermacam macam jenisnya, ada space iklan yang berbentuk tulisan, dan ada juga space iklan bentuk banner dengan gambar. Apabila sahabat mempunyai sebuah situs dengan jumlah pengunjung yang banyak dan telah ber PR tinggi maka sahabat sudah bisa mencuri hati para pengiklan atau avertiser untuk memasang iklan pada situs milik sahabat dengan cara Membuat Space Iklan Dengan Ukuran Otomatis.
Cara Membuat Space Iklan Dengan Ukuran Otomatis ini sahabat bisa menempelkan space iklan advertiser pada blog tanpa memasukan kode tinggi dan lebar dari ukuran iklan tersebut, jadi sahabat tinggal memasukan banner iklan dan ukuran banner tersebut akan langsung menyesuaikan dengan ukuran widget situs sahabat.
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Keterangan :
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url gambar = Alamat Url Gambar iklan

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Apabila sahabat belum mempunyai Advertiser (pengiklan) maka sahabat bisa memasukan url ke situs sahabat dan untuk gambar, sahabat bisa membuatnya dengan adobe photoshop dengan ukuran 125x125, 300x250, dan lain sebagainya. sahabat jangan hawatir dengan ukuran iklan karena untuk ukuran secara otomatis akan didesuaikan.
Berikut contoh space iklan yang sudah sundaboy buat, kalau sahabat belum punya gambarnya sahabat bisa memakai gambar yang sudah sundaboy buat dibawah ini :

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space iklan

Nah itulah Cara Membuat Space Iklan Dengan Ukuran Otomatis yang dapat sundaboy share, mudah mudahan bermanfaat, happy blogging

Jumat, 13 April 2012

Emo Hair For Girls With Medium Hair

Emo hair with medium hair is no longer a fashion accessory is rarely used. This is common as many methods of hair styling. While there are two basic types of hair extensions are available, each person has different reasons for choosing one of them. In this article I will tell you about fake hair extensions. Extension wig hair accessories are among the most popular. Long hair extensions, hair extensions short, curly hair extensions, whatever your demands, you're sure to get a perfect fit with your natural hair.
Remember that emo hair extensions quality should be your first choice. After all it is important to restore the health of your natural hair emo. Fake hair extensions cost much lower than natural hair extensions. This can cost anything above $ 90. Basically the cost depends on how much longer it has a thickness and how much you need. Costs will also vary according to the type of fake hair extensions that you buy. If you want to have some cheap fake hair extensions, which will look good as well, the clip-in is the answer. Ease of use and maintenance, this is a lot to go.
If you are concerned whether the fake emo hair extensions will look natural or not, then just do not worry. The latest technology ensures that matches your natural hair and gives an amazing view. So, when do you get fake hair extensions to your hair?
Emo hair for black women can be expensive, so you must be very careful in choosing the best that will suit your pocket and also meet your needs. Black women who are looking for good quality hair should look for indications such as human hair '100% 'or' Remy hair. Remy hair weave hair is believed to be the best quality available in the market.

Minggu, 08 April 2012

Emo Hairstyles For Girls With Curly hair

You must maintain a beautiful key Herculean task. I believe that all women with curly emo hair will agree with me. Most women fret over their long curly locks of hair emo emo and straight, easy to maintain and can be styled in various ways. However, such a beautiful curly hair straight hair. As a matter of fact, most women with straight hair have more number they can use curling iron! The point is, instead of condemning the beautiful curly hair, you have to find ways to manage it. One of the greatest suffering curly emo hair is the inability to provide proper haircut. However, a proper understanding of the requirements of curly hair, curly hair cuts make the task easier. So, here are some suggestions on how to cut curly hair.
Emo cutting curly hair at home is a big no no! You only need a qualified professional for this job. Many times, women returning from the salon really disappointed with their new haircuts. This is because the hair stylist to treat curly hair like other hair types. This is the biggest mistake many professionals make even. Thus, the first expert hair stylists will spend time studying the hair type, texture, volume, etc. before going to the actual haircut. An expert knows that curly hair require different care when cutting. Thus, it is best to rely on a professional stylist to get your haircut is finished. If you do not know a good hairdresser, you can seek advice from someone who had a great haircut on curly hair.
If your stylist emo is a thorough professional who knows his job well, he may advise you to be cut as needed. But many times, it happens that the stylists are clueless woman is not able to confirm his requirements properly. The end result, obviously, is not something to be happy. However, you can pretty much decide for themselves to which haircuts would fit your face and hair type.
Emo curly hair pieces for the most recommended is a layered. Emo cutting curly hair in layers to reduce the width of the hair and prevent hair from sticking. Mostly, with shoulder-length hair haircuts for curly hair looks good. If you are positive about the short curly hair cuts, and blunt cut is definitely not the way to go. This is because curly hair is often curved up after the haircut, which reduces long enough. This can prove to be disastrous for the already short blunt cuts.

Minggu, 01 April 2012

How To Style Emo Hair For Girls

There is no dearth for emo hair styles when it comes to long hair, whether you intend to just let it go down or force them into a ponytail, French twist, braids and tousled hair style. If you go out at night to party, it is recommended that you use some hair products like gel or mousse to give your hair a natural shine while holding it in place for hours together.
Accessorizing emo hair with beautiful curls, jewelry accessories, or hair ribbons that match your dress or personality will add a touch of sophistication and glamor. You can achieve any look sported by your favorite Hollywood actor or for that matter, every person you admire the style.
Layered hair emo haircut is one of the most popular in fashion. Layer helps soften the hard lines of your face and gives texture, volume and a fresh modern appeal. In fact, the coating helps repair damaged hair as it requires split ends cut off and most importantly, can be used to offset any facial structure or form. However, people who have curly hair can not have the layer as a tight curls and disturbing the layers.
People who have medium length emo hairstyles can carry off different looks with little changes here and there. The lovers of emo style requires a lot of patience and a long time because it requires a small part in the selection of hair to begin with. The long emo hair style starts with a thin ponytail scooped from the top of your head. You can choose from a variety of emo hair styles depending on the texture and thickness of your hair, formality of the occasion and of course, the amount of time you have to prepare. It is recommended that you experiment with a view to finding the best one.

Kamis, 09 Februari 2012

Emo Haircuts For Girls

Currently much haircut that we meet a variety of forms and variations. One of them is emo hair fashion. Emo is not the name but the hair fashion trends over time. It is quite evident from today's young people, especially students tern hair like this.
Trend neatly combed hair bangs covering the eyes and the short side at the rear of the main characteristics of the Emo style. Haircuts known to many teens today.
At first glance it has a history of Emo Emo is the name of the place name itself stands for Emotional. Emo originated from the flow of music that tells about the feelings of someone who comes from, masochistic desperate, whiny and wasted. Later evolved into the music. Emo over time evolved into a way of life, human behavior, he is Emo.
Describe the emo style dress that freedom of expression and inspiration and can not be denied that time always bring a change in the existing culture.

Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

How to Style Emo Hair For Girls

The 2012 show the trend of emo hair with a touch of color that describes a new spirit in facing a better life and leave all the bad behavior in the previous year. Latest emo hair has increased quite rapidly from year to year because emo hair trends are always give a unique model with a touch of high art elements so well-liked by lovers of emo hair. Community emo hair trying to give a positive impression and emo hair is always set an example to provide the best for one another and emo-violence. If there is a bunch of emo hair who commit acts that harm others it is a person who has reneged on the purpose of community emo hair.
Let's emo hair lovers everywhere to always keep the peace and tranquility by showing identity with emo haircuts emo hair so that the community will provide an example for the younger generation to make a positive action. Act of violence is an act that is not commendable, and violate the norms of religion and it is hated by God. Happy new year 2012 for all communities around the world emo hair emo hair hopefully the community can be an example for the younger generation to always perform a positive action on the environment as well as for others.